Tell Chantel
The Tell Chantel Show
Birth, Babies and Beyond: Interview with a Midwife

Birth, Babies and Beyond: Interview with a Midwife

Recently, I got to interview an AMAZING midwife in Oregon: Desiree LeFave. Anyone who knows her, loves her. So naturally, I needed to talk with her for my show. Desiree shared her story about how and why she became a midwife, explains the importance of midwifery, and talks about the birth center she owns - Bella Vie Birth Center.

Birth Centers provide an important alternative for women who don't want to give birth in a hospital and desire to have a more natural experience. I myself gave birth here 14 years ago, and it was truly one of the most magical things I've ever encountered.

Studies suggest that home births and birth centers have seen an increase over the last couple years and it's not a surprise. While there are women who opt for hospitals, many women are choosing the natural route for various reasons. Less interventions, more freedom in terms of who will be present, and to prevent unnecessary interventions and restrictions that so often occur in hospitals.

For low risk pregnancies, I've been so grateful that it's an option where I live!

Bottom line is that the choice is important. Women should feel empowered, however and wherever they give birth. The  midwives at Bella Vie Birth Center do exactly that. They're in the business of empowering other women by supporting them in the births they want.

And it's a beautiful thing.

So take a listen to Desiree LeFave. Hear her story, and be inspired.

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